Create portable apps from softwares and Run without installing it in your computer

 If your computer is already full of sofwares installed and you dont want to install any other software but still want to run it. In fact, this way you can always carry around your favorite portable apps in your pen drive and use when needed.
Ever wished you could pack an entire application into one single .EXE and take it with you anywhere without having to reinstall it every time? At work, at home, on your laptop, at a friend..
Ever wanted to avoid having to reinstall all your applications every time you change, upgrade or reformat your computer?

Although, there are many softwares available to create portable applications like Thinapp. It is a very good and easy to use software but it is not free, its a paid software. But there are many apps like Cameyo which are free completely and works very decently to create portable applications of any software you want.

Cameyo : Make Portable softwares for free ( Application virtualization)

Cameyo is a using application virtualization technology. it makes  entire applications package into a single standalone executable, so no need to install.

Although application virtualization technology (making portable software) is difficult to learn in past years as application virualization softwares are costly .But now you can make portable applications easily and take them any where you want in USB drive.

Procedure to make a portable application :
  • Start the software, it will make a snapshot of your operating system first. 

  • Then, after amking a snapshot, it will ask you to install the app first.

  • After installing of the software, click install done and  it will make a snapshot of system again.

  • A pop up will ask you to select application ".exe" in a window, you want to make portable.
  • Click ok, it will make it portable., That's all !!!!
  • Uninstall the software ,after making its portable version .
  • Free to use.
  • Easy to use.
Disadvantages :
  • Installation of software needed to make it portable.
  • Take long time to make snapshot of system.
Watch video for the detailed procedure to make porable application with Cameyo:

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