Sometimes even after uninstalling , remnants of previous installed software are still there in computer memory which are almost unable to remove by any normal method as they are bind with internal memory system of Windows.
This tool "Advanced Uninstaller Pro" which previously was a paid version, now available for free. This is very easy to use, In its main window , choose 'Uninstall Programs' option from program list.
Click on the program you want to uninstall and click on "Forced Removal".
It also :
The size of this app is about 18 MB, you can download it from here(direct link).
This tool "Advanced Uninstaller Pro" which previously was a paid version, now available for free. This is very easy to use, In its main window , choose 'Uninstall Programs' option from program list.
Click on the program you want to uninstall and click on "Forced Removal".
It also :
- Monitor app installation,
- Clean and manage Start menu, manage fonts,
- Manage Control Panel applets,
- Windows Services manager,
- Duplicate files,
- File shredder,
- Cookie manager for Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox browsers,
- Registry cleaner
- Registry optimizer
The size of this app is about 18 MB, you can download it from here(direct link).